The vehicle inspection business has many operators in Finland and most of them use Pinja’s Muster vehicle inspection system.
The vehicle inspection business has many operators in Finland and most of them use Pinja’s Muster vehicle inspection system.
A-Katsastus is a leading Finnish operator providing motor vehicle inspection, condition check and registration services. In addition to statutory vehicle inspections, the group provides traffic license services, vehicle damage inspections, testing and repair shop equipment services as well as vehicle damage repair and maintenance services. The group employs more than 800 people working in approximately 150 locations all over Finland.
The technology of the vehicle inspection system previously used was approaching its end of life.
During the analysis A-Katsastus performed, it became evident that among the suppliers, Pinja could readily offer remarkable experience and understanding of the needed technology.
In addition to statutory vehicle inspections, checkups and all treasury functions, the system is used for various reporting purposes and it includes wide integrations with other necessary information systems.
It is also pleasing that Pinja can provide insight and ideas to the development work from other business sectors as well. It brings cost efficiency to the development.
The technology of the vehicle inspection system previously used by A-Katsastus was approaching its end of life. Adding new features important for the business was no longer possible and the system maintenance also started to be relatively cumbersome. It was time to find a new solution, and Pinja was selected as the supplier.
– We completed an extensive analysis to find a new system partner. During the analysis, it became evident that among the suppliers, Pinja could readily offer remarkable experience, understanding and technology that would enable us to achieve a system adapted to our needs in a cost-efficient way. Our own contribution in defining the requirements specification would have been much bigger without Pinja’s existing Muster system to use as a basis for customization, says IT Manager Marko Syrjälä from A-Katsastus.
Users have given very positive feedback on the new straightforward system. The system is continuously being developed further, as new needs and possibilities appear. In addition to statutory vehicle inspections, checkups and all treasury functions, the system is used at A-Katsastus for various reporting purposes. It includes wide integrations with other necessary information systems.
– It is also useful and important for us that we can autonomously build our own customized inspection versions in the system for voluntary inspections, explains Inspection System Manager Heikki Haapakallio from A-Katsastus.
Pinja has also implemented an inspection system for A-Katsastus in Sweden.
– Our Swedish office used their own system corresponding to that of Finland and based on the same technology. However, the new complete system produced for Finland could not be directly utilized, since the Swedish legislation and procedures are slightly different. Nevertheless, Pinja vigorously addressed the challenges faced and the system implementation was successfully concluded in Sweden as well, Mr. Haapakallio relates.
When building a large and complicated entity, the importance of project management becomes emphasized. For successful cooperation, it is vital that there is mutual trust, smooth and timely communication, and that schedules are kept.
– Pinja has pleased us with all this. For their part, Pinja has been leading the project firmly on both operative and tactical levels. All the time, we have had a good culture of cooperation and continuous development, Mr. Syrjälä says.
– Pinja is an easy partner for us and their past experience in vehicle inspections is visible as profound technological understanding, for example. In addition, we do need to explain everything starting from the very beginning. It is also pleasing that Pinja can provide insight and ideas to the development work from other business sectors as well. It brings cost efficiency to the development. They know the right questions that quickly lead to mutual understanding, Mr. Haapakallio adds.
The vehicle inspection business has many operators in Finland and most of them use Pinja’s Muster vehicle inspection system. One might think that a simultaneous customer relationship with competitors could complicate things.
– In my view, Pinja has a good operating model. Although we know that they also serve other operators in this field, our relationship is very confidential. Teams have been assembled so that certain persons are responsible for our company-specific operations, while there are designated persons for more general matters. We can be confident that information is not disclosed to competitors via Pinja, Mr. Syrjälä says.
A-Katsastus is satisfied with the proactive and open communication in other respects as well.
– We are being informed of things that we could not have thought ourselves. In addition, our needs are being responded to and together we consider what should be advanced, how it will done and in which order. Although large and long-term projects naturally have their challenges every now and then, cooperation with Pinja has been smooth in all respects, Marko Syrjälä sums up.
100+ Years in business
approx. 150 Inspection stations
700 000 Periodic checks
880+ Employees
69 M Revenue (2020)
Vehicle inspection system – booking, test results, cashing and reports.