Machine learning improves production efficiency and reduces waste
Fresh Servant, a supplier of high-quality fresh food to shops and professional kitchens, started as a small team of vegetable producers that has grown over the years to become a leader in the food revolution and the market leader in its segment. Fresh Servant wants to revolutionize the way we think about food today, and make everyday dinners more colorful. The company’s mission is to always bring something new and good to people. The best-known brands of the fast-growing and developing company are the Hetki salads and the SalaattiMestari salad bar.
Fresh Servant has managed to grow rapidly while maintaining its ultimate goal: to provide products that taste good, make everyday life easier, and arrive on time. Today, business management and daily operations are facilitated by powerful digital solutions, the latest of which is the deployment of machine learning-based demand forecasting.
High quality and versatile levels of demand forecasting create the conditions for successful production processes. This enables to improve the efficiency of production and reduce the amount of waste. Previously, the forecasts were made by hand, so the application development work has helped save working time and redirect manpower to more productive tasks.