
“Our technical problems were immediately solved six months ago when we outsourced our IT service to Pinja."

With Pinja, we received a partner who understands what we are doing, listens to our needs and solves all problems with firm determination.

Mika Arffman, Managing Director Envitecpolis Ltd.

The Challenge: Dependable IT service enables expert work anytime and anywhere

”At the start of our operations ten years ago, we made a decision in principle that our experts can do remote work in their own home towns. It is true anyway that our customers are also spread all over Finland. Digital tools and online meetings have been part of our business culture from the very outset.

As our business has grown, requirements related to digital services have also increased. Lacking a suitable IT partner, we had to spend an unreasonable amount of time dealing with technical issues. As managing director, I was burdened by the constant concern about proper functioning of online connections and equipment.”

Solution: Pinja helped us streamline our expert work processes

“Our technical problems were immediately solved six months ago when we outsourced our IT service to Pinja. We received a partner who understands what we are doing, listens to our needs and solves all problems with firm determination. We have availability to Microsoft Office 365, a cloud service, a data security solution, as well as a maintenance and support service that solves problems either on site or remotely.

Changing work places present a particular challenge for mobile remote work exposing us to data security risks. Pinja’s service provides regular software updates and ensures that the data security of our devices and systems is up to date at all times. Pinja’s IT solutions, such as a cloud platform and electronic signature, have reduced unnecessary paper work and helped us streamline our expert work processes.”

“The greatest benefits of cooperation with Pinja come from the fact that, as managing director, I can truly count on the smooth functioning of the IT service, efficiently meeting the needs of our experts. We can be sure that files shared in the cloud are accessible anytime and anywhere. We can focus our sharp minds on the essential avoiding to lose our energy in unnecessary fuss and bother with the system. The cooperation has improved our operations and notably increased productivity.”

Check out the services of the success story

IT services

IT outsourcing services, Microsoft 365 services, Maintenance of production IT environment.

Microsoft 365

The familiar Office 365 in a new package – a modern productivity cloud service for secure and efficient data work.

Our customers' experiences

Prima Power

Prima Power harnesses Pinja’s IoT solutions and expert services to support development and innovation


Kitchen furniture manufacturer Elega entrusts the maintenance and development of its IT services to Pinja.


IT maintenance outsourced to Pinja supports the stability of the network environment in Kalmar’s product development unit, and prevents outages.

The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities (FPD)

Pinja was able to propose different solutions for FPD, but Microsoft 365 seemed a natural choice at the end. Microsoft…

UHY TietoAkseli

A corporate-wide renewal of the communication solution was a natural continuum to several years of cooperation between TietoAkseli and Pinja.


”The help of Pinja services has simplified our daily life and we have one less thing to worry about."

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