
Kitchen furniture manufacturer Elega entrusts the maintenance and development of its IT services to Pinja.

The cooperation in brief

Looking for an IT partner

Elega was looking for a partner who could bring vision and experience in managing IT services for a growing company.

Taking over a hundred workstations in a month

Pinja took over the management of Elega’s 100 workstations and the IT environments of the production facility in a fast timeframe and a controlled process. 

Professional IT services

Elega’s IT operations are now managed under the guidance of Pinja’s IT manager and IT team, using Pinja’s proven practices and process expertise.  

Pinja handled the IT outsourcing very well and professionally. The biggest benefit is that Elega doesn’t have to worry about IT anymore. Pinja has a lot of knowledge and insight into the direction in which IT can be developed.

Pauli Niinikoski, CEO, Elega

Pinja brought long-standing expertise to Elega’s IT outsourcing

Elega’s IT is maintained and developed by Pinja’s IT outsourcing service. IT maintenance was transferred from the previous IT partner to Pinja at a time when Elega wanted to invest in the development of its IT portfolio as its business grew, and they found that they needed a more in-depth IT partner. Elega also considered recruiting, but as IT management requires a broad range of skills, working with a professional partner seemed the most appropriate solution.  

Time is money when outsourcing IT

The schedule for the IT outsourcing of Elega was critical. The client wanted to avoid redundant costs between the old and new supplier during the transfer. Pinja had one month to take over the management of one hundred workstations in different locations. In addition to the traditional office environment, Elega also has its own production facility, which has a critical IT environment separated from the office environment. Thanks to efficient IT outsourcing processes and good client cooperation, the deployment succeeded within the agreed schedule. “We made rapid progress in the discussions, and consensus was reached effortlessly. Elega was ready and receptive to such a big change”, says Timo Härö, Project Manager at Pinja.

Pinja’s team mapped Elega’s entire IT environment on-site and remotely, and took over the IT environment: communications equipment, workstations, services, and cloud services. Weekly meetings were held to ensure that the takeover project progressed smoothly, and the final meeting was held to confirm that the objectives were met, and that the project was on schedule. 

In good IT outsourcing, roles and responsibilities are clear

services, software, license and network management, data security, and documentation. In addition, Pinja takes over the role of IT Manager at Elega, and Pinja’s IT support service provides end-user support for the company’s 100 employees, both locally and remotely. Every month, the IT Manager discusses ongoing projects and current issues with Elega.              

From Elega’s perspective, the management of the IT portfolio is now clear and focused. “Pinja handled the IT outsourcing very well and professionally. The biggest benefit is that Elega doesn’t have to worry about IT anymore. Pinja has a lot of knowledge and insight into the direction in which IT can be developed”, says Elega’s CEO Pauli Niinikoski. Pinja’s Timo Härö is also pleased with the cooperation: “Pinja is very committed to moving things forward.”

Pinja brought its model based on extensive experience and industry best practices to Elega’s outsourced IT

Pinja has extensive experience in IT outsourcing, and a well-perfected set of practices and models based on ITIL, the leading model in the IT industry. To get up and running quickly and efficiently, Pinja always starts IT outsourcing with a managed deployment project, taking control of the IT environment, and fixing any non-working or insecure areas of the environment as required.

As part of Elega’s deployment project, processes were established for the onboarding and offboarding of users, the installation of new machines and the recovery of old ones. For the Elega project, Pinja used the ready-made foundations and frameworks for IT takeover, which are continuously developed based on lessons learned from client projects. 

Timo Härö stresses the importance of documentation: “Unfortunately, many companies have inadequate documentation of their IT environment. Comprehensive documentation provides an accurate and up-to-date picture of the company’s IT environment, and ensures that everyone working with the client has access to all relevant information”. The documentation also includes an issue log, where all observations and findings are entered so that they can be corrected as planned. 

The benefits of IT outsourcing for Elega

1 Optimizing resources – Elega can focus on the activities that are essential to their business.

2 High quality and safe implementation – High quality documentation ensures quick and correct solutions in case of issues. Processes based on industry best practices ensure that Elega’s IT operations can be guided by the right information, including data security issues. 

As an impartial partner, Pinja is able to help Elega see the challenges and risks of the current implementation, and bring cost-effective options to the table, allowing Elega to choose the best solutions for its business. 

Elega in a nutshell

30+ years of experience

3 000 renovations per year

70 000 renovations done

~10 million € turnover in 2021

Find out more about Pinja’s services

IT services

We inspect, maintain, and service your IT environment with a personal touch. We upgrade your business-critical systems, equipment, and networks to ensure they are up and running. We help you take control of both lifecycle management and security.

IT outsourcing services

We apply best practices for the maintenance and management of IT environments. We make sure that, for example, data security is always up to date by keeping up with the latest information on new functionalities and features. If in trouble, you can count on our experts’ help!

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