Sähkö Sinisalo

Sähkö Sinisalo stated what they needed and Pinja took care of everything completely as planned. Pinja’s people were fully in control of the project.

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It is safer that information is stored in the cloud instead of computers. Staff motivation remains at a high level, when time is not lost on unnecessary work.

Marja Ihalainen, Managing Director, Sähkö Sinisalo Oy

The Challenge: Time at work was wasted

“Our most important objectives were easy communication and mobile use”, explains Sähkö Sinisalo’s managing director Marja Ihalainen.

At the same time, Sähkö Sinisalo also outsourced their IT services, such as computer maintenance and support services. According to Ihalainen, it was surprising how smoothly the renewal took place. The entire project was carried out in just a couple of weeks. Sähkö Sinisalo stated what they needed and Pinja took care of everything completely as planned. Pinja’s people were fully in control of the project at all times and cooperation was smooth.

“They were able to see things from our point of view, which gave the impression that they were on our side. Implementation specialists answered to our questions and were available at the crucial moments”, Ihalainen recalls appraisingly.

Solution: Investment that pays for itself multiple times

Thanks to the new solutions, internal communication has now become easier at Sähkö Sinisalo. Earlier, there was a lot of agonising over the large number of emails and other information overload. Now, communication is clear, as it is possible, for example, to concentrate discussions related to different work sites each in a specific channel. At work sites, electricians can view design drawings conveniently using mobile devices. In addition, it is easy for the employees to present electronic material to customers.

“We no longer need to carry USB sticks and papers to customers, but simply send them a link. We can serve our customers more easily and offer them information in real time”, Ihalainen explains.

Ihalainen is also satisfied with the great strides made in improving the company’s data security.

“Today, we can restrict the sharing of information in a positive sense. It is safer that information is stored in the cloud instead of computers. Individual users can work using information that is only available for them, and information can be shared in a controlled way”.

The managing director sees the modification as an investment that will pay itself back multiple times.

“Well functioning information systems improve job satisfaction and wellbeing at work, which is important for us. Staff motivation remains at a high level, when time is not lost on unnecessary work”, Ihalainen explains.

Sähkö Sinisalo in a nutshell

2009 Established

3 Service category

20+ Employees

~ 3 M Turnover (2020)

Kolla in tjänsterna i framgångberättelser


IT-outsourcingtjänster, Microsoft 365-tjänster, underhåll av produktionens IT-miljö


Offentligt moln (Azure, AWS, GCP), privat moln, HCL

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