
Service entities defined together with Pinja have mainly been related to keyless entry in home care for the elderly.

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Care for the elderly

Service entities defined together have mainly been related to keyless entry in home care for the elderly

Faster deliveries

Pinja’s enterprise service bus has enabled Tunstall to start deliveries faster.

Cooperation continues

Tunstall and Pinja are developing the services further.

In the healthcare sector, integration is needed with systems used by municipalities and the public sector, such as ERP and patient information systems. This requires quite demanding integration solutions. Pinja has adapted particularly well to today’s world.

Pasi Salonen, Managing Director, Tunstall Oy

The challenge: Reliable partner

“Pinja has a big role in our service chain. Service entities defined together with Pinja have mainly been related to keyless entry in home care for the elderly. We also collaborate with regard to the background infrastructure, i.e. the alarm centre and safety phone services. For example, this collaboration includes hosting and integration services, 24/7 support and further development.

To ensure reliability, Pinja has provided us with critical data centre capacity where our own equipment is duplicated with Pinja’s virtual equipment. The emergency nurse call system is thus hosted from Pinja’s data centres.

In the healthcare sector, integration is needed with systems used by municipalities and the public sector, such as ERP and patient information systems, which are the most important. This requires quite demanding integration solutions. Pinja has adapted particularly well to today’s world. During some three years of our cooperation, we have also learnt and studied together technical details and case-specific issues, which has increased the diversity of our service offer. The latest integrations have been extremely successful in terms of cost-efficiency – notably faster than before, taking only about a third of the time that was needed earlier.”

The solution: The most essential benefit is the fastness and repeatability of integrations

“Pinja’s enterprise service bus has enabled us to start our deliveries faster. We can be sure that we will not be a bottleneck in joint projects carried out by several entities but can operate faster than before in the supply chain. There are always other operators involved in addition to us and the customer organisation that needs the services, and actions are required from all of the participants of the supply chain. With this repeatable solution that enables fast delivery we can guarantee a prompt response and transfer the responsibility to the following operator in the chain. We can now use the same concept for multiple purposes.

Our own products are continuously being developed, and it is of course necessary to innovate with the partner, who then develops the services further. Currently, we are taking more services to production for end users,” Salonen concludes.

Tunstall in a nutshell

2,7 M Installed safety phones

915 000 Users monitored

530 000 Users live at home and use the system

12 000 Business clients

7,3 M Revenue (2020)

Utvalda tjänster

IPa by Pinja

Integrationsplattform – koppla ihop systemens data automatiskt

Hälsovårds- och välbefinnandeteknologi

Dra nytta av digitala lösningar och bidra till att skapa god hälsa med hjälp av teknologi

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