
Once by Pinja allows efficient identification and weighing of chemical loads as well as sending them to the correct destination at the mill.

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Cooperation started 2011

The Once by Pinja system has been in use already since 2011.

Fast introduction

System introduction took approximately a month.

Versatile system

Today, Once registers all material streams arriving at the mill automatically.

The Once system ended the problems with reception and saved employees’ time allowing them to focus on more important tasks. The introduction of the system aligned our operations in a good and more efficient direction.

Sakari Falkman, Terminal Manager, Kotkamills Oy

System information

2011 in use since

over 100 materials registered

1 month duration of system introduction

The challenge: Manual reception and registration caused confusion and duplicated work

“Previously, the reception and registration of material streams was performed manually in Excel, which caused confusion and duplicated the work. Once ended the problems with reception and saved employees’ time allowing them to focus on more important tasks. The introduction of the system aligned our operations in a good and more efficient direction”, says terminal manager Sakari Falkman.

Today, Once registers all material streams arriving at the mill, from wood material to more than 100 different chemicals. The system allows efficient identification and weighing of chemical loads as well as sending them to the correct destination at the mill. Once maintains a huge quantity of information, which is utilised, among other things, in continuous monitoring of material streams, collection of invoicing information, taking random samples, as well as creation of regulatory reports related to the use of chemicals. Internal raw material transportations are also registered in the Once system.

The solution: “The introduction only took about a month”

Pinja’s Once system compared favourably in terms of both service and maintenance costs. In addition, the suitability of the system for data management of all material streams was also in favour of the choice. This innovative partner of a suitable size, and with a flexible working culture, turned out to be the right choice already in the initial stage.

“The introduction of the Once system only took about a month or so, and we at Kotkamills can find no fault whatsoever in its introduction and performance. Since the start of our cooperation with Pinja, we have been satisfied”, Falkman states.

Kotkamills Oy in a nutshell

140+ Years in business

~ 1,5 M m³ Wood used in 2018

94% Finnish wood

500+ Employees

343 M Revenue (2019)

Läs om tjänsterna i vår framgångsberättelser

Once by Pinja

Hanteringen av materialflödet säkerställer rätt råvara till rätt plats i rätt tid.

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